Wyrazy Wspolczucia
Front Message:
Wyrazy Współczucia
Inside Message:
Dzisiaj w Twoim sercu
mieszka głęboki ból.
Brak Kochanej osoby,
jej miłości, jej czułości...
Ale pamiętaj, że nie odchodzi ten
Kto zostaje w sercach bliskich.
Pamięć i wspomnienia pozostaną
na zawsze.
English Translation
Front Message:
Deepest Sympathy
Inside Message:
Today, your heart holds much pain.
The absence of your loved one.
Their love, their presence.
But remember, our loved ones
never truly leave us once they are gone.
Their memories remain with us forever.
[In the Polish language, the word “osoba” meaning “person” is
grammatically written in a feminine form. However, it is a unisex
word and the card is written for both sexes. So when Google
translate shows the translation as “her love, her presence” rest
assured it is correct in Polish as “their love, their presence.”]