Hip Hip Hura!
This Birthday card comes in two options, one with earrings and one without.
Choose between 'Birthday Girl!' or 'Birthday Boy!' before placing in cart :)
Front Message:
Hip Hip Hura!
Inside Message:
Mały, wesoły solenizant!
Niech ten ważny dzień przyniesie...
Przepysznego torcika ze świeczkami
Domek wypełniony balonikami
i różne prezenty z zabawkami!
Ale najwicęej w te urodzinki
życzę Ci wesoełj minki :)
English Translation
Front Message:
Hip Hip Hooray!
Inside Message:
Dearest little birthday boy/girl (the word "solenizant" is unisex)
May this wonderful day bring you
the most delicious birthday cake & candles
a home filled with big balloons
and all sorts of presents filled with toys!
But most of all, wishing you a smile
full of happiness, from ear to ear :)